I have been receiving emails about the Eccieleaks blog since Christmas asking me if I have seen the latest post there - I have, so you don't need to email me anymore. I think that it is premature for me to make any judgement at this time because the link given there doesn't work and I haven't seen anything new. The picture posted with the link was stolen years ago and has been posted so many times that it comes up if you search Google Images for "ad nauseum". In fact, I am not sure that I can think of any post that would qualify as even mildly interesting since the blog started. It is kind of strange that eccieleaks.com address is not being used and a generic web address was given - does that mean the person who set up the blog is not the same person that did the old eccieleaks? Who knows? Or who even cares anymore? The comments added under the posts are barely coherent and it seems as if the person faking them was inebriated at the time they posted them.
So for those of you who are lobbying for the personal information about the leakers to come back, I have to recommend patience. I can always restore the personal leaker info later and will add the new stuff collected since the summer along with it. Nothing has really changed -
The leakers are still ridiculed and pitied
They have failed at every thing that they set out to do
No one but the most naive of outsiders is fooled by their lies anymore.
The internet has evolved quickly since the first Eccieleaks posts, and with the explosion of "dirt" websites like thedirty.com and fake profiles on Facebook and Twitter, the character assassination tactics used by socipaths like the leakers have lost their effectiveness. In fact, they can even have an unexpected effect. While in conversation with a group of hobbyists at a holiday gathering, I asked one gentleman about his latest sessions and who he would recommend. He had glowing praise for Shea Veile, and one of the other gentleman asked him why he had decided to see her out of all of the lovely choices that the DFW area has to offer. He mentioned the usual list (word of mouth, reviews, etc.), but he floored me when he added "eccieleaks". I asked him why he would say that, and he gave me a very surprising answer: the irrational obsession that the leakers had for her could only be caused by jealousy. It was obvious to him that somebody had gone "head-over-heels" for her, and he wanted to see what it was about her that would drive somebody so crazy.
LOL! Whatever floats your boat...
Have a safe and Happy New Year!
What was the big deal about 01-11-2013 at 11:11PM?