Isn't EccieLeaks just trying to fight against child trafficking?

Their "campaign against underage prostitution" is just a ploy designed to smear Eccie and garner sympathy from onlookers who don't understand their real purpose. The site was up for over a year before there was any mention of underage providers in the posts. The main page had pictures of pornstars (some who play underage ladies in their films) holding an Eccie logo for most of that time. When they took those down, they put links to organizations that fight underage trafficking and started focusing on that in their counterfeit posts.
This faux concern is just part of their campaign to smear and anyone linked to Eccie.

  • They have numerous posts in which the supposed poster expresses desire for pedophilic sex.
  • They have posted numerous pictures of children, some stolen from personal archives and copied from facebook and other social media.
  • They have created fake accounts for children using the stolen photos for the avatars. They have created pretend conversations involving sex and incest using these accounts.
  • When they allege that a young lady is underage, they often post complete ads for the young lady including contact information (and encourage readers to visit them).
  • They claim that Eccie allows underage advertising, yet they copy and publish all of the Eccie reviews.
None of this would happen if they had any concern for children or underage trafficking. 

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