Who or what is Ecatel?

Ecatel Limited is a British corporation with offices in Great Britiain and the Netherlands. They provide internet hosting services for a wide range of websites, Eccieleaks.com included. They service the low end of the market and are known for taking any kind of customer that they can get. Because of the illegal and unsavory nature of it's content, Eccieleaks has to use a host like this. Ecatel is probably best known in the internet world because Anonymous attacked them as part of their #opPedoChat operation which was designed to eliminate pedophile websites.

The Spamhaus Project often targets Ecatel clients

"Only reason you want Ecatel would be to host illegal stuff, correct?"

"The Ecatel Network is part of the Russian Business Network (RBN) which is known for cybercrime activities..."

"We didn't exactly need anymore proof that Ecatel (AS29073) were crimeware friendly..."

Ownership Information for Ecatel

Birds of a feather...

1 comment:

  1. Eccieleaksleaks has a different hosting company than you do. Which one is right?
