I tried to go to Eccieleaks.com, but it says I am banned! What did I do?

LOL, don't feel bad! Regardless of what they may promise, the leakers DO ban people whenever it fits their agenda. The message you are seeing, though, is probably because you are connecting from an IP address that has been banned or you are using a proxy server/anonymizer/VPN of some kind. I like to utilize the TOR Project for safe surfing, but I immediately get the same message that you got if I connect to Eccieleaks through TOR. You need to find a proxy service that is not recognized by their software. Just Google "proxy servers" or go to http://www.publicproxyservers.com/proxy/list1.html

I think that it is particularly ironic that they try to stop others from using a proxy connection when they openly brag about doing it themselves. In the very first tirades that were posted when Eccileaks was spawned they wrote:

"PM me if you would like info on how to create multiple handles on ECCIE and join my subversive revolution and bring on the speedy death of ECCIE... Half of us have over a hundred profiles."

You can't register 100 bogus handles on a website if you don't change your IP address with proxy servers or anonymizers of some kind. That's one of the advantages of being a sociopath - you can be just as hypocritical as you want to be.

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